Electric Trolley Research

Electric Trolley Research
June 13, 2024 No Comments Uncategorized cadsonbd
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Let’s recalculate with the given parameters:

  • Wheel Diameter: 420 mm (0.42 meters), so the radius is 0.21 meters
  • Motor Power: 1500W
  • Battery Configuration: 5 × 12V 120Ah batteries
  • Total Load: 500 kg
  • Trolley Weight (including batteries): 250 kg
  • Effective Load on Motor: 60% due to accelerator usage
  • Total Weight (Load + Trolley): 500 kg + 250 kg = 750 kg

Battery Capacity

Each battery provides: 12V × 120Ah = 1440 Wh

Total battery capacity for 5 batteries: Total Battery Capacity=5×1440 Wh=7200 Wh.

Torque and Force Calculation

Assume motor operates at 300 RPM (converted to radians per second): 300 RPM=300×2π60≈31.42 rad/s.  300 RPM = 300 X{2pi/60} \approx. 31.42 rad/s.

Torque (T) calculation: T=Pω=1500 W/31.42 rad/s≈47.77 Nm.

Force (F) calculation: F=T/r =47.77 Nm/ 0.21 m≈227.48 Nm

Required Force to Move 750 kg

Assuming a rolling friction coefficient (μ) of 0.02 for rubber on concrete: F required=m×g×μ=750 kg×9.81 m/s2×0.02≈147.15 N

Comparison of Forces

  • Available Force from Motor: 227.48 N
  • Required Force to Move Load: 147.15 N

The available force (227.48 N) from the 1500W motor is greater than the required force (147.15 N), so the motor can move the load.

Power Consumption with Load on Motor

Effective power consumption considering 60% usage due to the accelerator: Effective Power=1500 W×0.6=900 W

Run Time Calculation

  1. Total Battery Capacity: Total Battery Capacity=7200 Wh
  2. Effective Run Time (without efficiency loss): Run time=7200 Wh / 900 W=8 hours
  3. Considering Efficiency (90% efficiency): Effective Run Time=8 hours×0.9=7.2 hours


With a 1500W motor, 5 batteries of 12V 120Ah each, and a 750 kg total weight (500 kg load + 250 kg trolley weight), the trolley can run for approximately 7.2 hours under moderate conditions, assuming the motor is used at 60% capacity due to the accelerator.

This calculation assumes a flat, smooth surface and optimal conditions. Real-world factors such as terrain and driving patterns may slightly affect this estimate.

To summarize, with a 1500W motor, 5 batteries of 12V 120Ah each, a total load of 500 kg, and a trolley weight of 250 kg, you can expect approximately 7.2 hours of run time assuming the motor is used at 60% capacity due to the accelerator.

Here’s a breakdown of the final configuration and calculations:

  1. Battery Configuration:
    • 5 × 12V 120Ah batteries
    • Total battery capacity: 7200 Wh
  2. Motor Power:
    • 1500W, used at 60% capacity: 900W
  3. Wheel Specifications:
    • Diameter: 420 mm (radius 0.21 meters)
  4. Total Weight:
    • Load: 500 kg
    • Trolley (including batteries): 250 kg
    • Combined: 750 kg
  5. Torque and Force Calculations:
    • Motor Torque: 47.77 Nm
    • Force available: 227.48 N
    • Required Force: 147.15 N
  6. Run Time Calculation:
    • Effective Power Consumption: 900W
    • Run Time: 8 hours (ideal) × 0.9 (efficiency) ≈ 7.2 hours

Practical Considerations

  • Surface and Terrain: Ensure the surface is smooth and flat for optimal performance.
  • Driving Patterns: Consistent driving at moderate speeds will help achieve the estimated run time.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the motor and batteries will ensure they perform efficiently.


Research & Calculation by James Martin Adhikary

(Founder & System Designer)
CADSON Engineering & Services

About The Author

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